Wpa2 Wordlist Download

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Brute Forcing and Dictionary Attacks are two methods of getting the same result, a password. Dictionary Cracking can mostly rely on the quality of your word list. Quite often, I have people ask me where they can get wordlists. It would not be easy for me to just pass them a wordlist, because as you may know, they are Ginormous!

  • How to capture wordlist/dictionary for aircrack-ng.Easily download and save.txt file#site linkhttps://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Passw.
  • Wpa2 Psk Wordlist Download Italiano Sigueme en twitter - WilberKd 1.- cd /pentest/passwords/crunch 2.-./crunch 5 10 'letras o numero' -o ruta y nombre.txt. IMPORTANTE LEGGI DESCRIZIONE Download wordlist 1,5GB Wordlist gepackt 5MB!: http.

Collection Name (Original Source) Lines & Size (Extracted / Compressed) Download MD5; Collection of Wordlist v.2: 374806023 (3.9GB / 539MB) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Step 2: Download Wordlist. They are numerous wordlists out on the web, for this test we are going to use the famous “rockyou”. Open the hashcat folder on your hard drive and create a new folder called “wordlist” Download the rockyou.txt wordlist from this Link. Save the downloaded file in the new folder “wordlist”.


  • There are also various tools to generate wordlists for Dictionary Attacks, based on information gathered such as documents and web pages (such as Wyd – password profiling tool) These are useful resources that can add unique words that you might not otherwise have if your generic lists.
  • Add all the company related words you can and if possible use industry specific word lists (chemical names for a lab, medical terms for a hospital etc).
  • And always brute force in the native language.


One of the most famous lists is still from Openwall (the home of John the Ripper) and now costs money for the full version:


Some good lists here organized by topic:


Packetstorm has some good topic based lists including sciences, religion, music, movies and common lists.


SCOWL (Spell Checker Oriented Word Lists) is a collection of word lists split up in various sizes, and other categories, intended to be suitable for use in spell checkers. However, I am sure it will have numerous other uses as well.


AGID is an Automatically Generated Inflection Database from an insanely large word list. My goal is for the non-questionable entries to be 100% accurate.


VarCon (Variant Conversion Info) contains tables to convert between American, British (both “ise” and “ize” spellings), and Canadian spellings and vocabulary as well as well as a table listing the equivalent forms of other variants.

Part Of Speech Database

The Part Of Speech Database is a combination of “Moby ™ Part-of-Speech II” and the WordNet database.

Unofficial Jargon File Word Lists

The Unofficial Jargon File Word Lists is a collection of useful Word Lists created from the Jargon file.

Ispell English Word Lists

This package contains the contents of the Ispell (ver 3.1.20) word list after being expand from there affix compressed form used by Ispell.

Unofficial Alternate 12 Dicts Package

The Unofficial Alternate 12 Dicts Package contains almost all the information in the official 12Dicts package but in a different format as well as a good deal of additional information. However it is not meant as a replacement for the official 12Dicts package. It simply offers the information in a different way.

Other Word Lists:

I like to keep 3 size word lists:

  1. small and fast: usually based on the output of one of the tools i’m about to tell you about.
  2. medium: this is my custom list that I add passwords I find / crack and generally think are good to add. I’m pretty picky about what goes into this list.
  3. huge: any wordlist I come across gets added to this list, it gets sorted and uniqued and restored.

Tools of the Trade

Now the two tools that I like for generating small lists is are CeWL and wyd:

They have some very similar lists of features, your mileage may vary. But they basically parse files and web pages for words and generate password lists based on the words found.

You can also check out some default password lists and if you aren’t sure what tools to use I suggest checking out:

  • Medusa 1.4 – Parallel Password Cracker
  • THC-Hydra – The Fast and Flexible Network Login Hacking Tool
  • Cain & Abel – Password Cracker with Network Sniffing
  • JTR (Password Cracking) – John the Ripper 1.7 Released
  • Dr-Crack – Combination Dictionary and Rainbow Table Cracker

Enjoy! And as always if you have any good resources or tools to add – do mention them in the comments.

Wpa2 Wordlist Download

How To Crack WPA/WPA2 With HashCat

The tutorial will illustrate how to install and configure HashCat on a Windows client and crack the captured PMKID or .hccap files using a wordlist dictionary attack.

“Hashcat is the self-proclaimed world’s fastest password recovery tool. It had a proprietary code base until 2015, but is now released as free software. Versions are available for Linux, OS X, and Windows and can come in CPU-based or GPU-based variants.”

The WPA2 handshake can be captured on a Linux compatible client like Kali Linux with a supported WiFi card running on VirtualBox. Then converted to the right format depending on the captured method and moved over to the Windows client to be cracked.

Use the guides Capturing WPA2 and Capturing WPA2 PMKID to capture the WPA2 handshake. For this test we will use the famous “Rockyou” wordlist.

DISCLAIMER: This software/tutorial is for educational purposes only. It should not be used for illegal activity. The author is not responsible for its use or the users action.

Step 1: Download HashCat

Hashcat do not require any installation, it is a portable program it requires you to unpack the downloaded archive.

  1. First you need to download Hashcat binaries from https://hashcat.net/hashcat/
  2. Navigate to the location where you saved the downloaded file, and unzip the file

Step 2: Download Wordlist


They are numerous wordlists out on the web, for this test we are going to use the famous “rockyou”.

  1. Open the hashcat folder on your harddrive and create a new folder called “wordlist”
  2. Download therockyou.txt wordlist from this Link.
  3. Save the downloaded file in the new folder“wordlist”

Step 3: Prepare Your Captured WPA2 Handshake

Depending on the method you used to capture the handshake you either must format the cap file to 2500 hash-mode or the PMKID file to hashcat 16800 hash-mode .

For how to format the files please see the guides Capturing WPA2 and Capturing WPA2 PMKID.

In this lab we are using a captured PMKID and a pcpa handshake formatted to hashcat readable format. “HonnyP01.hccapx ” and ” HonnyP02.16800″.

I’m using two different home routers from D-Link and Technicolor for this experiment, both WiFi routers are owed by me.

  • The “HonnyP01.hccapx” file is captured from the D-Link router.
  • The ” HonnyP02.16800″ file is captured from the Technicolor router.

Step 4: Start Hashcat

You need to run hashcat in CMD or PowerShell. In this example we will use CMD to execute our commands and crack the handshake.

Open CMD and navigate to the hashcat folder.

Type hashcat64 -h to display all options

Wpa Wpa2 Wordlist Download

Step 5: Crack WPA2

In the First example we will illustrate how to get the password from a converted pcap file “.hccapx”.

Copy your converted file to the hashcat folder, in this example i am copying the file HonnyP01.hccapx to my hashcat folder.

Next we will start hashcat and use the wordlist rockyou, type in the parameters below in CMD.

  • hashcat64 the binary
  • -m 2500 the format type
  • -w 3 workload-profile 3
  • HonnyP01.hccapx the formatted file
  • “wordlistrockyou.txt” the path to the wordlist

Hashcat will start processing the file, if you are successful the terminal will display the hash and the password.

Here we can see that hashcat was able to match the hash to a password in the wordlist, in this lab the password to the D-Link WiFi is “password”. You can chose to let the application run trough the wordlist or press “q” to quit.

You can display the cracked password with the “show” command or by running the same command again, all cracked hashes will be stored in the “hashcat.potfile” in the hashcat folder. /sleek-bill-keygen-crack.html.

To display the cracked password in CDM type the command bellow.

In the next example we will run the same command except now we use the 16800 mode to run the dictionary attack against formatted PMKID file captured from the Technicolor router.

  • hashcat64 the binary
  • -m 16800 the format type
  • -w 3 workload-profile 3
  • HonnyP02.16800 the formatted file
  • “wordlistrockyou.txt” the path to the wordlist

Here we can see that the cracked password is “adsladsl” for the Technicolor router.

Extra: Brute Force Attack And Rule based attack

You can let hashcat brute force the file with the command bellow.

Greek Wpa2 Psk Wordlist Download

Or use ruled base attack.

Wpa2 Wordlist Download


Your home or office WiFi can be hacked if you are using a weak password, as always a strong and complex password is still the best defense against an attacker.

Wpa2 Word List Dictionaries Download

DISCLAIMER: This software/tutorial is for educational purposes only. It should not be used for illegal activity. The author is not responsible for its use or the users action.